Thursday, September 24, 2009

PLEASE tell me you are watching Glee!!!

Because if you're not, you are missing out on some laugh out loud television. Last night's episode was a particular winner, as they did a fantastic job with utilizing Beyonce's Single Ladies in a really funny football storyline.

You can check out the final scene here - it is sooooo hilarious! (And adorable)

If you want to cut to the musical number, skip to 2:30. Don't miss Kurt's winning kick - I love the way he prepares for it!

(Nice to see Mike O'Malley guest star as Kurt's dad. My sis and I used to watch his old show "Yes, Dear" as filler TV, i.e. nothing else is on so let's watch this. They had a touching moment when Kurt came out to him.)

4 fascinating comment(s) from my friends:

Amanda said...

So love this show - thought this episode was a little goofy but still love. :)

Carrie said...

I'm into it, I wish the lip sync-ing wasn't so obvious though. John isn't a fan though : (

audgepodge said...

You know, I never even notice the lip syncing! I guess since I know it's them really singing, it doesn't bother me.

Marathon Maritza said...

Yes, I am watching. Yes, I freakin' love this show.