Monday, March 30, 2009

OK, sorry another Twilight post

But this has me laughing in tears so I had to share this. Thanks for the heads up, Amanda!

Not sure what Twilight is all about? Read this take on it.
Saturday Night Drive-in: Twilight Theater (RedBlog)

5 fascinating comment(s) from my friends:

audgepodge said...

These parts had me laughing out loud the most:

PALE BOY: I am your darkest desire and your worst nightmare.
PALE GIRL: You’re a chocolate pony filled with algebra?

PALE BOY: Do you see how fast I can run?
PALE GIRL: You look like a meth addict on a treadmill.
PALE BOY: You can’t run this fast.
PALE GIRL: Good. I’d hate to look that stupid.

BAD GUY VAMPIRE: I’m going to eat you. You can tell your boyfriend to avenge you.
PALE GIRL: Now? Or after I’m dead?
BAD GUY VAMPIRE: Well, not right now. I’m going to kill you right now.
PALE GIRL: Hmmm. Maybe I could leave a note for him. About the avenging?
BAD GUY VAMPIRE: Okay, that would work.

Jamie said...

that's hilarious! one of the best overview of a movie ever ;)

Alisa said...

Are you on Twitter? Kristen Stewart is on it and she tweets from the set in Canada!

audgepodge said...

I saw that but I heard it's a fake profile? She doesn't seem to be the kind of person that would "tweet"

joyRuN said...

OMFG - that's freaking hilarious!!

So stinking funny :)

Won't stop me from watching the DVD for the fourth time though.